Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beth and Joe Return to Chestertown Church of the Nazarene on 4/19/15.

Or, you could say that we are returning to the scene of the crime. When I was on staff of this church, as Worship Arts Director, from 2003-2006, Beth was representative (and perhaps more so than anyone) of why I was there: to help encourage, develop and nuture the expressive gifts of those in the congregation; both to enhance our worship experience, and for God's larger purposes in their lives. Although Beth looks nothing like a brick wall, that is pretty much what I encountered when it came to her "taking the stage". Immensely talented, and equally private, Beth's gifts were kept hidden, known only to her closest family and friends. Over time, however (and with creative persistence), the wall began to chip away, leading to the day when Beth sang solo in public, as an adult, for the first time, as I accompanied her performing "Stormy Weather" in a jazz vesper's service. These days, the wall is gone, and Beth is an experienced professional. Along with her performing experience in festivals, theaters, cabaret venues and churches, she has produced 5 albums: 4 on her own label, along with our duo release: All Nature Sings. Hymns and gospel selections from this release will be featured in the concert, along with Beth's original contemporary/gospel music. Wherever we perform, it is an offering to God. This particular "homecoming" performance in Chestertown will be a special one.  

New Video Playlist - David Sacks and Joe Holt

On Saturday March 14, David Sacks; a trombonist from the CD area, and I presented a concert for the residents of Heron Point, in Chestertown, MD. We've done this several times now (sometimes including David's brother Steve, who is a saxophonist living/working in Japan), and it has become quite comfortable. We put this playlist together from the 3/14 show for promotional purposes, figuring that other audiences just might like it, too     ;)
Hope you enjoy the three video posts included here. You can click through the video above to see the playlist, or just watch it from here. Here is a direct link to the playlist: