This is truly an exciting time. I can say that for many reasons, highest among them (relating to my career) is the now consistently open "portal of connection" whenever I sit down to play. Striving to grow artistically is always the goal of one who is serious. Related to that is the whole needing to make a living thing; a motivator to find opportunities to connect with new listeners (fans - funny word), and share the deepened connection with those already on board. This is where (unlike many artist types) capitalism actually works for me. I've come to an understanding that a deepened connection when playing/performing becomes that which others experience along with me, and positions the snowball at the top of the hill. A version of "My Word shall not return to me void, but will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent". As the snowball now begins (it seems) to accelerate down the hill, many things are happening at once. Important among them are the acquisition of new performance venues for my 2 solo piano concerts/shows: "Spontaneous Joy", and "Happiness ... A Thing Called Stride". In addition to upcoming performances on the schedule at (among others) The Mainstay, Prince Theatre, and St. Margarets Church, 3 new venues (so far) have found their way to the 2012 calendar: 49 West, Annapolis, MD on January 15th, Germano's Cabaret, Baltimore, MD on March 9th, and St. Paul's CoffeeHouse, Centerville, MD on May 11th. Look for these, and other dates to be reflected on my website schedule soon.
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